MCA-EC is proud to announce a Build site volunteer event with the Morris Habitat for Humanity on Saturday September 29, 2018. It would be a good opportunity to learn a house building skill or two, as well as make a difference in someone's life by volunteering your time to a worthy cause.
Depending on the build-site, we could be assigned tasks such as building a fence, painting, flooring, installing doors etc., depending on the stage of the project and the need.
The volunteers must be 16 years or older. The ideal group size is from around 5 to 15 volunteers.
The current build sites are in and around Morris County and we will have a better idea of the exact build site address, a week or two prior to the event. If you would like to volunteer,
please email: habitatmcaec@gmail.com
Past Charitable Contributions By the MCA-EC
Catholic Charities in Houston for Hurricane Harvey
Matthew 25: Ministries for Hurricane Maria
Legacy of Life Foundation
Shanti Bhavan Children’s Project
Little Sisters of the Poor
We also support the local community by volunteering in Soup Kitchens and Community Food Banks!
Donations via Check can be made payable to “MCA-EC” with the Memo Field
“MCA-EC Charity” and mail to P.O. Box 41, Woodbridge NJ 07095
Online: Please use the Make A gift Button on the Right.
Email us at info@mca-ec.org for any questions
For the Kids, By the Kids
What is it?
An educational assistance program for high school kids in India who excel academically, but financially weak to complete education. It is an innovative program for kids to model good behavior, get volunteer hours, and create a sense of understanding of how they are blessed compared to other kids.
How does it work?
MCA-EC kids save $10 per month with parents support through various means:
a) Clipping coupons
b) Sacrificing their wants
c) Getting good grades
d) Performing household chores such as cleaning, lawn moving, snow shoveling.
e) Dipping into their piggy bank. Money collected will be used to pay school fees.
To benefit the needy children in India and to model the good behavior in the Children in USA. Children can also get volunteer hours for such activities.
How can I participate?
You can join this program, by replying to this email (info@mca-ec.com) with your child’s name, age, and email address for this purpose. You can send checks quarterly ($30) or annually ($120) by mailing to MCA-EC P.O.Box 41, Woodbridge NJ 07095.
Please make checks payabe to MCA-EC and write FTKBTK and child’s name in memo field.