Monthi Festh on Sept 11, 2021
MCAEC 2021-2022 Board proudly presents our fourth event Monthi Festh on Sept 11th. It was a grand success with over 175+ people. We had an overwhelming response even though we capped the registrations early. The event started with the Holy Mass and offering of flowers to Mother Mary. The lunch and cultural program were hosted open-air to be safe in the pandemic. The program was thoroughly enjoyed and very well appreciated by everyone who attended and we saw a lot of camaraderie among the members who celebrated Monthi Festh as one big family.
You can enjoy all the pictures of the event here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/RnEH3izAhiRwERTo8
Soup Kitchen Aug 21, 2021
MCAEC 2021-2022 Board proudly presents our third event which was Soup Kitchen at Missionaries of Charity in Newark on Aug 21st. We had 15+ in-person volunteers. All the vados helped by sending in cooked food, food cans, bedsheets, monetary gifts which really helped the nuns. We packed 100+ food packets on Aug 21st and we had more food left for the next day. It was a very fulfilling to be able to help the needy. All the kids at the event got volunteer certificates that they can use for their school/confirmation. A Big Heartfelt Thank You to all the volunteers who donated and volunteered in-person. Without your help, we would have been able to feed the homeless. Sisters of charity are very grateful and will keep us in their prayers.
Beach Cleanup Aug 14, 2021
MCAEC 2021-2022 Board proudly presents our second event which was beach cleanup at the Seven Presidents Beach on Aug 14th. We had a good turnout of 30+ people who were at the beach bright and early at 7am. We started with a good breakfast and hit the beach with our garbage bags and high spirits. The volunteers did a great job of finding recyclables and garbage on a beach which looked really clean when we started. A job well done!! All the kids at the event got volunteer certificates that they can use for their school/confirmation. All the volunteers enjoyed the event so much and wanted more such events to be organized in the future which is very encouraging. A Big Thank You to all the volunteers who made the event successful!!
Youth Leadership Program 5 June - 11 July 2021
MCAEC 2021-2022 Board proudly presents our first event YLP – Youth Leadership Program (YLP) a 6 session public speaking workshop for ages 12-18 organized by MCA-EC conducted by our youth leaders Melanie, Venora, Cleon, and Kenisha under Mark Mendonca’s leadership. Our young attendees had fun learning and making new friends in both virtual and in-person sessions. Workshops consisted of prepared speeches, table topics, and peer evaluations in order to learn how to effectively speak in front of an audience. What a great team effort that was! All the kids got participation certificates and winners got prizes and get to perform their speeches on Monthi Festh celebration.
Christmas Gala 2019
With just under two months to go, we are extremely excited to announce the opening of the registration portal for our upcoming Christmas Gala 2019! Our grand Christmas celebration will take place on Saturday, December 21, 2019, running from 6:00 PM to midnight.
It promises to be a beautiful night in the renowned Royal Albert’s Palace in Fords, NJ, full of friends, food, and fun. Our splendid singers will ring in the season with Christmas carols, while Santa makes a special visit. You will partake in a delicious dinner, but burn it off quick as the famed Prism Band keeps you on your feet throughout the night.
The following early bird pricing will be available for the first 150 registrants:
Adults (13+) — $45
Kids (5-12) — $30
Adults (13+) — $50
Kids (5-12) — $30
Ticket prices will increase by $10 after the first 150 tickets are sold, so buy your tickets sooner rather than later!
Additionally, if you’d like to stick around and spend the night, we have negotiated a special rate for attendees at the Raritan Hotel just next door. Call (732) 661-1313 and mention that you’re with us for a room at just $69!
The grand Christmas celebration you’ve been waiting for is here—log on to https://mcaec.wildapricot.org/event-3600845 and buy your tickets today!
Summer Picnic June 08, 2019
We just wanted to extend a big thank you to everyone who attended last weekend's Summer Picnic! It was truly a fun time with all of you there. We really appreciate all of you for coming to the picnicand volunteering in various ways.
We have to thank our many volunteers in the many different areas of the picnic:
Music: DJ Vijai Furtado
Emcees: Shyna Quadras and Anuj D'Souza, assisted by Monti D’Cunha and DJ Vijai
Registration: Anne Sequeira, Bruno Sequeira and Sonia Sequeira
Spiritual director: Fr Ron Machado
Photography: Don Lewis, Anuj D’Souza, Merlin Mendonca, Angela Jozsef and Nancy Castelino
Food counter: Ivan D’Souza, Anita Pinto, Mark Mendonca, Simona Fernandes, Fr Ron Machado, Nancy Castelino, Norbert Mendes and Rima D’Souza
Ice gola counter: Christopher Monis and Cleon Monis
Popcorn counter: Simona Fernandes
Sports and games: Saritha Pinto, Melrin Sequeira, Sunil Lobo and Simona Fernandes
In addition to all of our volunteers, we specially thank our very generous donors:
Bob and Olivia Vaz of Babco Foods, who donated evening snacks to be enjoyed with tea
An anonymous donor, who greatly enjoyed the picnic and decided to donate $500 to offset costs
Furthermore, a big shoutout to:
Tony Seravo and Mangalore Kitchen, who catered delicious Mangalorean food for the picnic
If you'd like to relive the memories of last week's picnic, you can visit:
The Daijiworld article at http://www.daijiworld.com/news/newsDisplay.aspx?newsID=595573
The Mangalorean.com article at https://www.mangalorean.com/mca-ec-holds-decennial-year-summer-picnic/
The photo album compiling all of our photographers' pictures at https://photos.app.goo.gl/hsVi7GRWTVwTq92u9